Broken Tribe Press was formed to meet the needs of wanderers, misplaced artists, and misfits of the literary world. Mid level literary fiction, edgy poetry, experimental fiction, and speculative genres often get rejected from different markets. The few remaining large publishers only want authors they can brand with trendy genre plots and whatever they can package and sell the easiest. The mid level publishers who want to look like a big publisher are chasing the same kind of work because, well, they want to look bigger than they really are. Where does that leave you? 

For nearly two decades, Broken Tribe published selected poetry and fiction collections. With most of those out of print or sold off, the imprint has gone through a renaissance since being acquired by its new publishing executive. 2024 will see the production of multiple books in December. And 2025 is going to be a very busy year!

Broken Tribe Press is an imprint of Lawrence Landing Company, LLC, led by Dr. William K. Lawrence.

Make Your Own Tribe!