William K. Lawrence, Publisher/Editor

Bill Lawrence is the Publisher-In-Chief of Broken Tribe Press. He is a writer, editor, educator, publisher, and international business coach. He holds a doctorate in leadership from Northeastern University, an MFA from the Southampton Writers program, an MA from SUNY Stony Brook, and an MEd from The George Washington University. He studied the British Romantic poets and the History of Rock N Roll as an undergrad at Portland State University in Oregon. He is the author of 12 books and has coached dozens of others on their book projects. Lawrence teaches at NC State University and lives in Raleigh, North Carolina. Visit his website to learn more about his books: www.wklawrence.com   

Fiction Editor

Jhon Sánchez: A Colombian-born writer, Mr. Sánchez arrived in NYC seeking political asylum, where he is now a lawyer. His most recent literary publications include “My Love Ana” in Dark Horses Magazine (2024), “The Fragrant Flavor of the Strawberry Rhubarb Pie” in the anthology Put Out the Lights and Cry, Diner Noir (2023), “Tigui” in the anthology I Used to Be an Animal Lover (2023), “Handy” in Baseline Feed Podcast (2023), “The Chocolate Doll Cake” in Landing Zone Magazine (2022), “A Weekly Call” in Everybody Press Review (2022), et al. He was awarded the Horned Dorset Colony residency in 2018 and the Byrdcliffe Artist Residency Program in 2019. Jhon’s collection Enjoy a Pleasurable Death and Other Stories that Will Kill You is forthcoming by Broken Tribe Press. For updates, please visit his Facebook page @WriterJhon, Instagram @jhon_author, and Twitter @jhon_author.


The press is currently composed of an editorial committee consisting of writers, literary scholars, and passionate readers of literature from the triangle literary community and beyond. Some of our editorial board members include:

Denise DiMarzio, MA, Rhode Island

Patricia Ndombe, MFA, Pennsylvania

George R. Majchrzak, MFA, Ohio